Help Center / Wiki with Office 365 Integration

Create a fast centralized portal for staff and other people related to your organization to get help or view their staff / training manuals.  Our help center was designed to replace Intercom, ZenDesk or a corporate wiki.

With Office 365 integration we can quickly ensure that only authenticated users can access materials and also integrate with various roles to ensure authors / editors can be centrally managed.

No setup fee / 1 hosting unit

All projects are fixed scope

  • No overages
  • Fast delivery (1 week)
  • Warranty included

What can you do with a help center / wiki?

A help center / wiki was initially associated as an online guide for how to use a software system.  Over time though organizations have found the help center / wiki layout can help answer questions that get asked both time to time as well as those frequently asked questions.  

Some ways people use a help center

  • Convert an Employee Handbook into an online guide.  Common questions like PTO policy, holidays, expense reimbursement can easily be referenced online and updated as a living guide.

  • Self service member center.  Take a look at your last 100 questions to your membership and convert them to an online searchable guide.

  • Department by department manuals.  Each department probably has training and onboarding guides.  For example marketing may have an internal brand kit.  Maybe there is a live list of other customers willing to be a reference.  Allow each department to own their own part of a help center and keep documentation up to date.

What do I need to get started?

Connecting Microsoft Office 365 to other systems is quite seamless, we can often get what we need on one phone call.  There are two pathways to integration and we can discuss the pros and cons of each on our initial scoping call.

You give us one of the following:

  • We will configure SAML with you on the phone (SAML Entity ID, Login URL, Certificate, Metadata, Profile Fields to Map)

  • Or we will configure OAUTH with you on the phone (Connected App, Client ID, Client Secret, Additional Graph Query to run to get fields)

  • 1-2 sample accounts to test with 

How long does it take?

We can roll out a new help center, populate it with up to 20 articles and connect it to Office 365 in under a week.  From there, we encourage you to have a company-wide kick off to have various department stakeholders help populate the rest.

What's Included?

Everything you need to have a full featured help center is included.  Most organizations do not add further scope than what we provide out of the box.  This fixed scope project is full featured and includes everything you need to setup a help desk, replace employee handbooks, and build department by department guides.


Restricted Access

  • You can keep access wide open to the public, this is useful if it is a general help guide or manual

  • You can restrict access entirely to authenticated users (e.g. your staff), and link it to Office 365 so that if there is staff turn over, staff automatically loses access

  • Access by role can be enabled to hide/show articles to relevant people and/or allow editor permissions accordingly


Home Page

The home page includes a search, featured topics, and category cards.

Category Listing Page
The category listing page includes relevant articles or sections of articles relevant to a topic.


Article Page

The article page allows for text, videos and screenshots.